

Using MarkdownDeep is trivially easy. Both the .NET and JavaScript editions have an almost identical API.

Note: This page covers the Markdown to HTML text transformation APIs. For instructions on integrating the client side editor GUI, see here.

.NET Edition

To use the .NET edition of MarkdownDeep:

  1. Before using MarkdownDeep, you must add a reference to the MarkdownDeep.dll assembly from your .NET project. Depending on your development environment this might be done in any of a number of different ways - please consult the documentation for your development tool.

  2. Create an instance of the MarkdownDeep object. eg:

    // Create an instance of Markdown
    var md = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown();
  3. Set required options. eg:

    // Set options
    md.ExtraMode = true;
    md.SafeMode = false;
  4. Transform the Markdown content:

    string output = md.Transform(input);
  5. That's all!

JavaScript Edition

To use the JavaScript edition:

  1. Copy the MarkdownDeep.min.js script file to your server

  2. Update your web page to reference the script:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/MarkdownDeep.min.js"></script>
  3. Create the MarkdownDeep object:

    var markdown = new MarkdownDeep.Markdown();
  4. Set required options:

    // Set options
    markdown.ExtraMode = true;
    markdown.SafeMode = false;
  5. Transform your text:

    var output=markdown.Transform(new_content);

Methods and Properties

MarkdownDeep supports the following methods and properties. Unless noted these are supported in both editions.

string Transform(string input)

Transforms the input string from Markdown to HTML using the currently set options.

bool SafeMode

Set to true to only allow whitelisted safe html tags

bool ExtraMode

Set to true to enable ExtraMode, which enables the same set of features as implemented by PHP Markdown Extra.

bool MarkdownInHtml

When set, all html block level elements automatically support markdown syntax within them. (Similar to Pandoc's handling of markdown in html)

bool AutoHeadingIDs

When set, all headings will have an auto generated ID attribute based on the heading text (uses the same algorithm as Pandoc)

bool UrlBaseLocation

When set, all non-qualified urls (links and images) will be qualified using this location as the base.(Useful when rendering RSS feeds that require fully qualified urls).

bool NewWindowForExternalLinks

When true, all fully qualified urls will be give `target="_blank"' attribute causing them to appear in a separate browser window/tab (ie: relative links open in same window, qualified links open externally)

bool NewWindowForLocalLinks

When true, all urls (qualified or not) will get target="_blank" attribute (useful for preview mode on posts)

string DocumentRoot

When set, will try to determine the width/height for local images by searching for an appropriately named file relative to the specified location Local file system location of the document root. Used to locate image files that start with slash.

Typical value: c:\inetpub\www\wwwroot

string DocumentLocation

Local file system location of the current document. Used to locate relative path images for image size.

Typical value: c:\inetpub\www\wwwroot\subfolder

int MaxImageWidth

Limit the width of images (0 for no limit). Only used when image sizes are read from DocumentRoot or DocumentLocation

bool NofollowLinks

When set, all links get rel="nofollow" attribute

virtual string OnQualifyUrl(string url)

Provides the default implementation to map relative URLs to fully qualified URLs. Override to qualify non-local image and link urls using a different strategy.

virtual bool OnGetImageSize(string url, out int width, out int height) (.NET)
object OnGetImageSize(string url) (JavaScript)

Override to supply the size of an image. Typically used for images stored in a database.

In JavaScript, return any object with a width and height property, or null if can't get the image dimensions.

In .NET, return dimensions through out parameters. Return false if can't get image dimensions.

virtual void OnPrepareLink(HtmlTag tag)

Applies special attributes to a link tags. Default implementation calls OnQualifyUrl to qualify the href attributes. Also adds rel="nofollow" and target="_blank" attributes.

Override to apply more customization of anchor tags.

virtual void OnPrepareImage(HtmlTag tag)

Applies special attributes to img tags. Default implementation calls OnGetImageSize to apply image size attributes, and OnQualifyUrl to qualify the src attribute.

Override to apply more customization of anchor tags.

string HtmlClassFootnotes

Sets the class name for the div used to wrap the footnotes section.

string HtmlClassTitledImages

Set the classname for titled images

A titled image is defined as a paragraph that contains an image and nothing else. If not set (the default), this features is disabled, otherwise the output is similar to:

<div class="<%=this.HtmlClassTitledImags%>">
	<img src="image.png" />
	<p>Alt text goes here</p>

Use CSS to style the figure and the caption

string SectionHeader (.NET edition only)

Set a format string to be rendered before headings, where {0} is a placeholder for the section number about to be rendered.

eg: <a href=/edit/page?section={0}>

Useful for rendering links that can lead to a page that edits that section)

string SectionHeadingPrefix (.NET edition only)

Set a format string to be rendered after each section heading

string SectionFooter (.NET edition only)

Set a format string to be rendered after the section content (ie: before the next section heading, or at the end of the document).

static List<string> SplitSections(string markdown) (.NET edition only)

Splits a Markdown document into an array of sections.

static string JoinSections(List<string> sections) (.NET edition only)

Join previously split sections back into one document